Heart Chakra (Heart Openers Workshop): The heart chakra is like a conduit for a form of energy that is commonly associated with love. When the energy of the heart chakra does not flow, we may experience it at different levels, from physical and emotional to spiritual. By healing the heart chakra, we can feel a boost in energy, positivity, love, compassion, and increased sense of connectedness to life. The main idea behind healing the heart chakra is to restore flow of energy and overall balance. Why do we need heart chakra healing? The heart chakra is particularly vulnerable to disturbances associated with relationships and love. We all have a history of relationships from the moment we’re born to now. During our history, there were many events and opportunities for positive or negative experiences regarding love and relating to others. As we encounter life difficulties, we have two main ways to cope: We may shut down or decrease the energy that we dedicate to the situation, or we may boost or increase our energy to fight it. These defense mechanisms get anchored in our chakras. In the case of the heart chakra, we might have felt hurt during childhood or a recent breakup and closed our chakra to numb our pain and avoid suffering. Or on the opposite side, we may have opened and extended our heart energy to a demanding partner or parent in need, sometimes to the point of over-extending and being drained. Over time, these defense mechanisms can cause imbalance in the heart chakra and other chakras, leading to an overactive, deficient or blocked chakra. One may tend to have excess or deficiency in the heart chakra, or both depending on the situation and coping mechanism. When the heart chakra needs healing may be signaled by a variety of symptoms ranging from the physical to existential and spiritual. Physical heart chakra Signals: The 4th chakra is associated with the element of air and is located in the chest area. As a result, a lot of the physical symptoms of heart chakra imbalance are connected to the lungs, ribs, and heart. Look for the following: Hypertension, problems breathing, infection at the level of the lung, bronchitis, heart condition. Psychological and Emotional Heart Chakra Signals: When the heart chakra is blocked or closed, it may translate into the following psychological and emotional characteristics:
When the heart chakra becomes unbalanced, this may lead to emotional, physical or even existential distress. The energy running though this chakra is not flowing freely and you may feel drained, depleted, stuck in thoughts or behavioral patterns. To overcome a blockage, excess or deficiency in the heart chakra, the energy needs to:
Sunday 28th January - From 12.30 pm to 1.45pm at The Core Studio, Glasthule, Dun Laoghaire Call Claudia at 085 763 7981 The Core Studio (71 Glasthule Road, Dun Laoghaire) www.yogafitness.ie - [email protected] 085 763 7981 #yogaworkshopsdublin #yogaclassesdunlaoghaire #yogaworkshopsdunlaoghaire (Courtesy of http://www.chakras.info/heart-chakra-healing/)
Claudia Gutierrez
Physical Therapist Yoga Teacher Fitness Instructor Life Coach Dreamer... [email protected] Categories
Yoga Fitness BlogI am Claudia Gutierrez, owner of Yoga Fitness, originally from Argentina and proudly Irish Citizen since 2012. Archives
November 2021